Forging Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a technique used to detect internal defects in materials or components without compromising their integrity. For industrial components such as forgings, non-destructive testing plays an important role in ensuring quality and reliability.

The following are several common non-destructive testing methods applicable to forgings:

Ultrasonic Testing (UT): By sending high-frequency sound wave pulses to forgings, echoes are detected to determine the location, size, and morphology of internal defects. This method can detect cracks, pores, inclusions, and other issues in forgings.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): After applying a magnetic field to the surface of a forging, magnetic particles are dispersed on it. If there are cracks or other surface defects present, magnetic particles will gather at these defects, thus visualizing them.

Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT): Coating the surface of a forging with a permeable liquid to fill it with defects and remove them after a period. Then, the development agent is applied to allow the permeable liquid to penetrate and form visible indications at the crack or defect site.

X-ray Testing (RT): Using X-rays or gamma rays to penetrate forgings and form images on photosensitive films. This method can detect defects such as density changes and cracks inside forgings.

The above only lists several common non-destructive testing methods, and the appropriate method should be selected based on the type of forging, specification requirements, and specific situation. In addition, non-destructive testing usually requires professional training and certified operators to ensure correct execution and interpretation of results.





Grace Ma


Post time: Jan-03-2024